Broken Machine Feminism | February 02, 2020
A short lecture on the topic of feminist/critical race approaches to technology
Broken Machine Feminism with Sarah Sharma
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 | 6:00–8:00PM
CSI Regent Park, Lounge
This workshop will begin with a lecture on the topic of feminist/critical race approaches to technology. I will introduce participants to what I term “Broken Machine Feminism.” I will discuss how reframing and re-thinking contemporary lived gendered/raced/classed forms of inequity as having a technological politics can generate new potentials for activism/artistic practice/daily life. We will re-think such things as #meToo, the white neoliberal co-opting of self-care, responses to SIRI and Alexa’s gender identity, and anything else the participants want to put on the table for Broken Machine retooling. The workshop will then generate very specific Broken Machine approaches generated by the lived experiences of participants.
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